Andoru's Kendo Blog

Sunday, July 31, 2005


Yano sensei came to training yesterday, and I had the privilege of doing jigeiko with him for the first time ever!

Flashback to first quarter of 2004...5 of us graduated into bogu from the beginners' class and it was Yano sensei who actually volunteered to be our motodachi for the day as we got used to executing kihon cuts on him with our bogu on. Ahhh....that was the last time ever since then that beginners fresh in bogu get to practise on a sensei like that. We were a privileged bunch.

Then in August last year, sensei had to move to Melbourne. We didn't get to do jigeiko with him at that time because of his shoulder injury too. So I missed the boat completely until yesterday.

I tried to do my best kendo because I wanted his feedbacks for ways to improve leading to the shinsa in two week's time. He said that it's good that I didn't dodge or do flashy block waza, and that I tried to maintain kamae when he applied seme. However, he advised me to use my feet to vary the maai - it's another dimension of controlling the opponent.

I was the last to do jigeiko with him too! Thank you sensei! :D

1 more month until thesis submission date. It's coming along okay - just can't wait for submission! Then I have all the time in the world to do kendo! Hmm perhaps I should reward myself with a new jin hakama....

Hello to all the readers of my humble blog, and I do apologise for my shortcomings in reading yours and replying to your comments. All will be back to normal in a month's time!

Oh yeah! Here are several crappy photos (thanks to a bad scan) of my dojo in jigeiko mode (click on them for bigger photos):

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Nikon F5
Various zoom lenses
SB-24 speedlight
Fujifilm Velvia 100F

Monday, July 04, 2005

The key to de-kote is seme...

That's what Yoshi told me when we were doing jigeiko on Sat.

That's right folks - I went back to training on Saturday and did jigeiko for the first time in 4 weeks! I missed kendo sooooooooooo much!

Bad news is...I've lost heaps of stamina. It's quite apparent, and very shocking. However, there are more good things than bad: for starters, my right heel is now 100%, and my right knee seems to be stronger too. I was able to push my body more when executing a cut and do full fumikomi without pain. Also, the hiatus has allowed me to practise without thinking too much. All I wanted to do was attack, attack and attack. Despite the stamina limitation, I felt great. I was lucky enough to do jigeiko with Payne sensei, Cath, Yoshi and Vivian.

By the way, thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement. I really do appreciate them - made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Arigato gozaimashita! :)

Oh yeah - I digitised a roll of film I took quite a while ago. I have this bad habit of taking photos of my kendo injuries (only unique ones), and here's a picture of a missed gyaku doh:

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