Andoru's Kendo Blog

Friday, July 14, 2006

Komoto sensei is here!

Haha I just spent a fantastic day with him and Bibian today. Photos to follow soon. Last night he taught us the finer points of nuki-doh and men-kaeshi-men. Training at SKC tomorrow then off to Blackcow for lunch with the gang. Can't wait!

p.s. new template change!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I went full out in yesterday's training. I think it's safe to say that I've fully recovered. Glad to be doing more migi-doh training but meh it's hard to train my mind to do it in jigeiko. Will have to try though.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The whole reason we do kendo is because...

it gives us good feelings.

It's true you know.

The sombre tone of my recent posts reflected how I felt exactly given the injury. Good news though - the pain has subsided significantly past week. It's like...almost gone. God works in wondrous ways. Now I can prepare for the shiai at Founders' Cup 2006.