Andoru's Kendo Blog

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I've got good senseis and sempais

Yesterday's training was great! I tried my best to "live up to the grade" and was encouraged with loads of useful advice which I have no hesitation in writing them down for my benefit:

  • Isaac: "Relax the shoulders". I didn't realise that I have this bad habit of tensing my trapezius muscle. Following Isaac's comments early on in practice, I made sure to focus on relaxing my shoulders/traps and it worked wonders! I was less tired, and I could feel a bit more "oomph" in my cuts during jigeiko.
  • Itakura sensei: "Cut with horizontal BAM!! Like this [hand gestures of right fist slamming into left palm]! Everyone has to work on this aspect of their kendo". Choice words sensei!
  • Payne sensei: "If you're graded ikkyu last weekend, it's time to start working on kendo at the shodan level." Too right!
Highlight of the day was the jigeiko between Kirby and I. Kirby did an excellent morote tsuki which landed on target as I was moving back, thus fuelling the backward momentum. I struggled to regain balance only to be tripped by Anna who was sitting at seiza behind me. Tsuki-owned! Even as my butt was on its way down to kiss floor, I remember thinking in my head that that was a truly remarkable tsuki. It was indeed my pleasure to receive it!

I also enjoyed being cut by my senseis and sempais as there is a lesson in each of them. I especially like the final cut by Itakura sensei during ippon shobu. As I moved in, he applied loads of seme and created doubt and confusion in me, then he finished me off with a determined men cut with plenty of spirit and zanshin. It was almost embarassing at first, but the value of the lesson hits me straight after. I bowed, sonkyo-ed, and left the jigeiko with sensei a very satisfied kenshi.


  • Great write up, Andoru! I really enjoy the read.

    That part about the Kirby's tsuki, Anna's seiza and you kissing the floor was hilarious. Good stuff!

    By Blogger Vivian Yung, at 9:04 pm  

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